Monday, August 31, 2009

Sans the Smalls

My mom and Ed were in town last weekend. They offered to take the kids back to Olympia for a few days and I thought that sounded like a great idea! We have traveled all summer, the kids have been WAY over indulged and they are making my crazy. I know it's my fault for letting them get away with murder. All I can say is, "We need school to start!" That will force us to get back into a routine, get the kids in bed at a decent hour and basically, get our life back.

The kids have gone with my mom before and all has gone well. I think it's been fine this time too but they are a little more unwieldy. Coulter didn't want to eat his Canadian bacon and tomato pizza. Sophia has called home A LOT with minor complaints and Kees, apparently, has been difficult. Tonight my mom called, after making dinner (the pizza) and said, "Coulter is yelling that he doesn't like bacon on his pizza and he hates tomatoes." She really sounded like she was about in tears. I said, "Why are you letting a 5 year old be the boss of you? Tell him he can either eat it or starve." Really, why should the rules be different there? She said, "OK" and hung up.

Sophia is going through a phase. When she is not with me she gets home sick. Fine. She also gets, maybe, manipulative. If things don't go her way, or the way they do at home, she calls. She also likes to call in private so she can tell me things that are going on. I don't like this. I try to tell her that it's different because IT'S DIFFERENT, not bad. I also try to tell her that she needs to get over it. What she wants is for me to come and get her. NO WAY!!! I know that she is safe and having a fine time as long as she's not talking to me. This too shall pass.

And Kees.... I haven't talked to him very much but apparently he's being difficult too. I will say that talking to him on the phone has been interesting. He is using big words and long, totally coherent sentences. While his voice sounds so little, his communication skills are great. It's fun to talk to him and recognise that he is growing up.

So that is how they are doing......

On this side it has been great. The kids left yesterday morning and Bob and I went to a work related party together. It was really nice to meet more people he's working with. When we got home we had to decide what to do with our time. Bob decided he wanted to clean the house. I really wanted to pay bills and catch up on mail. While this is not what most people would want to do with out kids it is exactly what we wanted to do. It felt so good to get all this done and with out kids it was not only easy but almost fun. Paying the bills... Easy! I didn't have to get up to wipe someones butt, get a drink for someone or break up a fight! A job that usually takes a day or two took 4 hours. I was a happy girl.

Later we had planned on going out to dinner. Nope. We decided to order out and stay home to watch a movie. It was a relief. It was so nice to have a clean house, paid bills, no stacks of mail and a quiet house to watch a movie in. Again, it was so easy.

Then today.... Bob went to work and I slept in....way in. I haven't mentioned it but I have been sick. When I got up I took a bath and then came downstairs. I was sitting on the couch and catching up on email. I got an email that asked, "If you could relive a day from last year what would it be and what would you do?" I said that it would probably include good food and possibly some spa time. That made me think, "I should go to a spa!" So I googled, and found a spa in my neighborhood! And, they could get me in. Hooray! SPA DAY!!!! It was terrific. When I got home I took a shower, tossed the ball for the dog and waited for Bob. As soon as he got home we picked a restaurant and went out for dinner. Bluehour....we had a coupon. It was really nice.

After dinner we came home...the house was still clean, it was still quiet and we were still alone. We turned on the TV and enjoyed it all.

Now don't get me wrong...I love my kids but it is nice to get a glimpse of sanity and quiet. They'll be home tomorrow. My mom is ready to send them home. I's exhausting! She often chides me when I say how tired I am or that one or more of my kids is being a butt. I am glad that she can see how frustrating it is so she can understand my EVERYDAY. I have been doing this for almost 9 years, I am tired. Sophia asked me, "Do you like it better when we're not there?" I, of course, said, "No" and I mean it, but some days it is a lot and a mommy needs a break.

Next week school starts. This means that we'll be getting into a routine this week to save us for next week. This kids will go to bed at a decent hour, yay! We'll be back in the groove in no time.

I'll see you tomorrow babies. I look forward to having you home and the craziness back AND I look forward to the next time your daddy and I will have quiet time. Healthy us....healthy you. I need to remember it's a balance. I'm going to bed now and will not have a small person come in. I look forward to sleeping in tomorrow and I will enjoy my last few hours of quiet. I will also look forward to loud babies, a full house and the chance to set them back in their ways. Wish me luck!!!

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