Thursday, September 17, 2009

Making and Being Friends

This is from todays update from Kees' class. They have been talking about what friends are and how you make new friends. Their responses are so cute. Then I started thinking about them. Really, their thoughts ring so true. If we all just followed a few of these suggestions we would be better friends. And if you translate it into "grown up" it makes total sense.

“You meet new friends, you play with them and you share toys with them.” Aidan

“You can ask, “Will you be my friend?” Abby

“You ask them their name.” Catherine

“You can help them make something with you.” Elliot
ADULT TRANSLATION - "Hey, you need help building that deck?"

“You can tell them what your name is and then ask them what their name is.” Emily

“You can share with them.” Eva

“You should have a nice friendly face.” Fiona

“Your face should be smiling.” Josie

“You can sit next to them at lunch.” Kees

“Say, “Can you come to play at my house and have lunch?” Luke
ADULT TRANSLATION - "We're having a barbeque why don't you bring your family over."

“Don’t push or cut in front of people in line. That’s not nice. Sometimes you can be sad or frustrated, but you should be kind and nice.” Maia
ADULT TRANSLATION - "When you are driving you should let people in and certainly don't be overly agressive. Even when you've had a bad day, remain calm."

“Have a happy face.” Nicholas

“You make friends by meeting them when you are babies. Then you meet other people and see them again and again and you get to be friends.” Owen

“You go to someone and you can say, “Do you want to play with me?” Sebastian
ADULT TRANSLATION - "Are you new in the neighborhood? We should have coffee."

“You make friends by knowing someone a long time and liking them.” Sunil

“Someone that is nice to you is a friend. Someone that hurts your feelings is not a friend.” Trinna
ADULT TRANSLATION - "Life is too short to waste it with people that drain your energy."

“You start playing with someone and you play nicely. Then you’re friends.” Truman
ADULT TRANSLATION - "Sometimes you meet someone and know immediately that you'll be friends."

“You have to say, “Can I be your friend and can I play with you?” Violet

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Have a great day and be a great friend.

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