We have been blessed in so many ways. First that we have been able to spend a few Spring Breaks in Manzanita at the Slack's Cabin. This has been the one family vacation that we take where we aren't visiting someone, taking someone along or staying with family. There have been years where it snowed during Spring Break, yes SNOWED on the beach. Still my kids took their socks and shoes off and ran in the snow. One time it rained the whole time. This time....the sun has been out the WHOLE time....well until late yesterday.
Bob and I are doing some work at the cabin. We put in new counter tops almost as soon as we got here. It was surprisingly easy but of course we had planned well. The last time we were here we measured, checked out how things were attached, took pictures etc. Luckily it came out 99% as planned. The company that the counter tops were ordered from made one small mistake but I can fix that....still, the best plans don't always turn out as planned. Today we take on the kitchen floor. I have never tiled before but am looking forward to it.
We spent the first day getting here unloading and playing at the beach. It was windy but the kids and dog didn't care. We caught up with our friends the Lees on the beach and all just took it in. A good start to the trip.
Day #2 was spent at Oswald State Park on the beach. It was a beautiful 65 degree day and we all had fun. Our friends the Bauer-Bakers (the BBs) were with us. The tide was out so we were able to see some tide pools and run around the rocks. It was great. Kees and Coulter ran around in their underwear, Sophia chose to get soaked. She's too big now, you know, to run around in under-roos. Iva chased the ball for HOURS!!!! Jolene, Iva's best friend, chased Iva and occasionally got the ball. Jolene was worn out by the end. I think Iva could have run all day. We soaked up the sun and really had a wonderful time.
Later in the day we were invited for cocktails at the BB's house. Sophia was invited to a sleep over with her friend Ally. We had a nice time all around. Upon arrival at home Kees insisted he have someone to sleep with. I laid down with him. Guess who went to sleep at 9:15? It was a great day.
Day #3 we spent at Hug Point. If you haven't been there it's quite amazing. Back in the day when covered wagons travelled on the beach as a high way the people blasted an "L" shape out of the rocks at Hug Point. They would then travel across this area during low tide. You do NOT want to go around the point and get stuck there so it's really important that you know when the tide is going in and out.
This time I was really prepared. I brought food, towels, sand toys, drinks even wine. Of course if there is food all Kees wants to do is eat while we're doing a family activity. He whined that he was hungry the whole time, even after I would give him food. Silly boy. It was sunny but it was also windy. That tends to be how it goes on the Oregon Coast. It was fun but not as perfect at the previous day. You just can't always plan the fun. We bid farewell to the BBs as they went back to P'land.
Day #4 - We drove up to Astoria. We've been coming to Manzanita for 10 years now and have never made the 45 minute trip up. Now was the time. The weather was perfect again. First we stopped at the visitors center to get maps and such. The kids thought the free magazines and books were cool. Next a bit of lunch and shopping on the main street. Yum.... And on to the Astoria Column. It is a long trek up the 164 steps to the top. OK, it was a long way for Bob and I. The kids ran up and down the thing like it was a play structure. They sell little wooden airplanes that you can throw off the top. That was fun. The view was beautiful and it was as clear as it gets. Finally it was down to the waterfront for a street car ride. It was fun, cheep and informative.
So that is where we are to date. We will be laying the tile today and then going to the spa later in the afternoon....Bob and I that is. I am looking forward to that for sure.
Ta ta for now.....
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