Thursdays are a big deal to Kees. It's Mommy and Kees Day. He seems to think this means he can do whatever he wants and buy all the toys in the world. I have made it about having a coffee or lunch together and then going to the Library, Zoo, OMSI or something like that. It isn't about getting stuff, it's about spending the day together. Today was a bit different than most of our M & K Days because we have all been sick and I am still not up to par. Kees is most of the way back but still not 100%.
We started our day on the couch. Me going through a few emails and waiting for the library to open. Our plan was library and then lunch. Kees spent his time asking me questions that he knew the answers to. It's totally annoying and something that all kids do. I am not sure why they do it. Maybe it's to hear their own voice? Maybe it's to be right? I don't know but it is certainly not constructive.
After a bit I decide that he needs to move. "Let's go do laundry!" He thinks that is a great idea. We go down stairs. First I have him pull all the clothes out of the dryer. Next I drop the wet clothes onto the dryer door and he pushes them in and he adds a dryer sheet. I show him how to turn the knob to "All Dry" and press the start button. Onto the washer.... We put in dark clothes and I explain the cold with dark, hot with light thing. He changes the knob to cold, turns the washer on, we add soap and wait for the washer to fill. He has to sit on the edge of the washer and watch it fill because he wants to see what happens. I'm cool with that. I show him how to press the button so that the washer "thinks" it's closed so he can see what happens. I straighten up the basement while he waits. "Mom, it's full!" I say, "Press the button." He does...he doesn't....he does...he doesn't.... "Kees! Stop that! You're going to break the washer!" He does...he doesn't....he does...he doesn't.... I go in and pull him off the washer and show him how to close the top with out smashing his fingers. He thinks that was really fun. "I like doing the laundry mom!" will you get your chance.
We go to the library and pick out a few books. Star Wars was at the top of the list but there weren't many at all. We got a few stories, a couple chapter books for Sophia and Coulter and then headed to lunch.
Lunch was fine but Kees, still not being up to par, doesn't want to play in the kid area. When lunch comes all he wanted to eat were french fries. I got a burger thinking I needed protein. I still get little spurts of energy but mostly I am exhausted. Kees insisted he was going to throw up. Alright, let's go to the bathroom. "Throw up. I'm waiting." He says, "It's going to take a while." I say, "I don't have the time and I am hungry." Mind you I haven't eaten more then a bowl of soup at a time in almost 3 days. We leave the bathroom and TAAAH DAHHHH, he doesn't throw up. On the way home he starts again and I do an emergency pull over. Nuthin'. I can't have that in my car.
We get home and he's up for more laundry and then he throws the ball for the dog while I watch. Awesome. I could really work this into something as he gets a bit older. We hang out for a bit longer and then it's time to get the sibs. Kees and Mommy Day is officially over.
A few words from today....
Today at lunch.... "Your butt is soo big that it covers the whole chair." Big smile. What am I supposed to say?
"If your birthday is August 20th thousand, your gunna die because it's your 6000th birthday. And infinity is your last birthday." These kinds of things make my brain hurt.
While throwing the ball for the dog...
"Do you know why the sun is coming out?"
Me, "Yeah, because the clouds are going away."
"NO! It's because the Earth is tilting toward the sun."
I said, "I don't think so."
Kees, "Yeah, it is."
Me, "Oh yeah. Where did you hear that?"
Kees, "Teacher Debbie told me that and she's really smart."
How are you going to fight with that? My kids have had Debbie as a teacher for a total of 4 years between them now and Kees will have her again next year. I have been hearing about how smart Debbie is for YEARS. Coulter still tells me things Debbie taught him.
Kees just randomly walked in and said, "My fingers can do the you wanna see?" And he shows me. And they do, do the splits. Thanks for sharing. I don't have the heart to tell him everyone can do that.
Things that made stop what I was doing today....
1 - "Mom, come and see how tall my stack of chairs is." He was building a tower out of the Chairs Game. I said, "I am sure it's very tall." Kees, "Mom, please come see." I did. Yep, just like I thought...a stack of chairs.
2 - Turning on the TV
3 - Opening a Popsicle
4 - Getting the cereal off the shelf
5 - Tying shoes
These are all mommy things but I have to tell you that I will be thrilled when I don't have to get up or stop what I am doing to take care of 4 people (including me)and their little needs. Getting a drink, getting a snack, reaching high things, fixing paper airplanes, cleaning up spills, turning on the TV, etc, etc, etc. I am glad I have the opportunity but it's really getting old. I don't know how people who have more kids do it. They must have the big ones doing all this stuff for the little ones because this could make you nuts.
So there is my K & M Day. I hope you have a good day. Stay patient, I'm trying. Stay strong, I think I do that. Stay loving, I pray that I always am.