Sunday, February 19, 2012

You Are Worthy

I was watching the national news last night and listening to a few of the people who eulogized Whitney Houston.  Kevin Costner said that Whitney often asked, “Am I good enough?” When she auditioned for her role in The Body Guard she took note of what was wrong with her.  Her look wasn’t quite right.  She was unsure of her talent.  Could she sing what and how they wanted her to?  And that was Whitney Houston in her prime.   Do you remember how beautiful and full of life she was? Her voice was like nothing I had ever heard before.  Every note…..perfect.  I remember belting out a few of her songs in the 80’s when she was at the height of her career and I too had those feelings of inadequacy.  I think we all do.  And looking back….I was beautiful, talented and smart.  Why in the world would that girl be insecure?

When have you ever been at a funeral when someone said anything less?  People don’t talk about short comings or faults at funerals they always talk about how they loved the person and admired their talents.  That the person was so funny, smart, generous and loving.  They’re never mean, selfish, dumb and ugly. 

So why is it that most of us focus on what we perceive as our short comings?  We all do it and it’s a shame because it makes us feel unworthy, small, less than.  The truth of the matter is we came into this world perfectly who we are.  Yes, we are good enough. 

I think that if someone speaks about me they’d say I am funny….ah, because I am. I am funny, NOT silly, BIG difference.  I believe they’d say I was smart, generous, kind, artistic, creative, a loving parent and a good friend.  They might include a few of the following as well.  I enjoy a challenge.  I love creating.  I like to fix broken things if I can to forgo getting something new.  I am a good cook.  I throw great parties.  I can go with the flow and I am not a perfectionist.  I can handle good enough.  I am the one you want with you in a stressful situation.  I will make a decision when it needs to be made.  I am a good listener.  I believe I give good advice.  I am open to new ideas.  These are only a few of the things that I need to carry around with me and believe. 

I know all those things are true and yet, I focus on other things.  I need to be more organized, exercise more, start yoga and lose weight.  I know these things are important too but they are not what make me….ME.  Those are the things that support me in who I am.  They are “an exercise” in my life that supports my soul, who I really am.  I am all the things in the last paragraph.  I am not “lose weight” and “exercise more” I am kind and loving. 

We all need to focus on who we are not what we aren’t.  I am worthy.  You are worthy.  You know all your friends would say you are and those that wouldn’t are not to be trusted.  They don’t know you.  I know most of the people who read this blog and you are all worthy, kind, smart and generous your selves.  I know this because you are my friends and I only maintain friendships with those who are all those things.  Life is too short to waste my time on people who are not worthy of it.  I have tried to have friendships with people who weren’t as generous and kind and it is an exercise in frustration.  Their negative energy got entangled in my positive energy and it brought me down.  We’ve all had that friend that always has a problem or can pick you apart.  As I said above, we all know what our faults are, we don’t need reminding by a so called, “friend.”

Yes Whitney, you were good enough.  It is very sad that she is gone but I believe it all started with her insecurities.  Those are what will get you, eat at you.  If only there was a way to convey that message to her so that she truly knew it, felt it, owned it.  It may have changed her life and given her more time to shine. 

So please take note of you and I will take note of me.  You are awesome and I don’t mean that in high school vernacular, I mean that as in we were created by an awesome God and in his likeness.  We are to be held up and admired like the jewels we are.  We are beautiful, full of many facets all while we reflect the light all around us and in us.  WE ARE WORTHY!


Nerissa said...

Great Post Heather! Actually it covers a lot of what I have been thinking about lately. And the great thing about loving yourself is that the more you do it the better you become, in so many ways. I am going to revisit this blogpost when I need to remember to love and be compassionate to myself.
Thanks for sharing :)

Becky said...

Hi Heather,

I loved this blog for a lot of reasons but will focus on the friendship thing. You hit the nail on the head. We are drawn to those that inspire us so why not spend our time with them? The ones not so inspiring, quick to put down, quick to talk you out of a dream... not someone worth the time. You my dear are an AWESOME friend for so many reasons. Petra and I were just talking about how great it is to know you! You are an inspiration... your many talents, your big heart, your willingness to help others. Love ya, friend! Becky