Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kees Over Heard At My House

Kees was so excited to see the Smorshmallows in our camping basket from the preschool auction. He, of course, was referring to the marshmallows in the Camping Basket. I guess Smorshmallows comes from the fact that we make Smores with them. Do they have another purpose?

Kees had hiccups today. He told me that he had hick coughs inside of his body.

He also has been talking a lot about toots (farts) and I have been asking him to knock it off. He kept saying, "R toodie too" I thought he was just being difficult. He was trying to say, "R2D2" I didn't even know he knew who that was.

When the boys were taking the controllers out for the Xbox Kees was trying to untangle the wires. He got frustrated and said, "Argh, these are all rectangled."

1 comment:

Laura Lou said...

I LOVE the comments from kids'. They've heard the words before so it is so cute when they mix things together and bled them all up. It is like a verbal shmorgishborg . . . I hope you are printing these positings and keeping them in his baby book! Such cute kids!