Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Beauty of a Bike by Heather Leek

There are many wonderful things about a bike
The feeling of the wind on my body I like

The silent speed zooming down hills is like flying
Pumping up hills, working hard or at least trying

You’ll help ease congestion and wear on our roads
If we all rode our bikes then money…we’d save loads

Protecting the environment is good for community health
A bike makes you healthier, feel better-and that’s wealth

Riding can be a great form of meditation
It gets you out of a funk and off of medication

It will raise your spirits and lower your blood pressure
You will live longer, stronger so each day you can treasure

You can think, you MUST think and stay alert
If you don’t pay attention you can get really hurt

At a stop light while waiting for the light to change
Chatting with the guy next to you doesn’t seem so strange

In a car when someone chats with you think, “They’re crazy!
I’m in my car, my space, leave me alone, I’m lazy.”

A bike is more social and can free your soul
I feel more alive like I am a bit more whole

So get out of your car and ride it takes guts
Watch out for the autos some of ‘em are nuts

You’ll feel better for doing better for me and for you
I think you’ll enjoy riding your bike as much as I do

1 comment:

PDXK.TV said...

Super poetry. I love it!