SLIPA few days ago I was outside watching soccer practice on a beautiful sunny day. I usually sit in my low chair and try and relax. It's one of the few times that I can sit still and not feel guilt about doin' nuthin'. As I was sitting there I saw a woman walking toward me. She was walking her dog and wearing a skirt, a shirt and tennis shoes. I can tell you this much, she wasn't wearing a slip! I swear, it wouldn't have been much different if she were walking down the street in her underwear. And to make matters worse, she was at least 50 pounds over weight. Yikes! I remember when I was a teenager and my mom said that I had to wear a slip under my skirt. I thought it was a bunch of hooey. The one thing that I had going for me was I was 127 pounds and pretty cute. I honestly can't remember if I wore one or not but I sure hope so. I just had to share that because it was really funny and if you have a thin skirt....WEAR A SLIP!!!
AIR HORNLast Spring I was riding my bike. When I got to a 4 way stop, I stopped. I waited for my turn and then I started across the intersection. As I started, the guy coming from my right started too and almost hit me. I rang my "pedestrian" bell..."ring, ring, ring" and said, "Hey, WATCH OUT!" He didn't even flinch. I may as well have been blowing him kisses. As I was ringing a guy on a bike pulled up next to me and blasted his horn. I mean BLASTED!!! I said, "WHAT was THAT?" and he showed me his air horn. I went out almost immediately and got one. I haven't used it much but I am pretty sure it saved me from a side swipe 2 days ago.
First I'll tell you I went to fill up my air horn at the gas station. I wasn't going to but I figured, better safe than sorry. The guys at the gas station thought it was the coolest thing they had seen in a while. They all came out of the garage and were checking it out. They couldn't believe how LOUD it was. It's as loud as a regular air horn that you would have on a boat. One guy said he was going to get one to replace the one he carries around on his boat.
After filling up the air horn I was riding down Broadway. Broadway has a bike lane. As I was getting ready to cross MLK there were 2 bikers about 30 feet in front of me. The light turned green and they proceeded. A car was waiting to turn after those bikes went by. Then there was a car right behind that car that was also turning. I KNEW he wasn't looking down the bike lane and I KNEW I was going to have to be on the offense. Yep. Right as I was getting to the intersection he started to turn. I BLASTED MY HORN and he SLAMMED on his brakes. It was awesome! It wouldn't have been a horrible accident but I prefer NONE thank you. I sometimes feel like a geek with all my stuff on my bike but I have to say I was really grateful for my air horn.
HAIR CUTYesterday I got my hair cut. My last cut was in the Bahamas so it's been 4 months, it was time. Of course they made it look great. So great that I am not sure that I can do it. The gal that dried my hair flat ironed it. I have never done that before and I have to say I really liked it. So there are 2 problems; I don't know how to do it and I don't have one. Everyone loved it and said how great it looked and with it flat ironed it looked like I had it dyed a darker color. Of course I intended to take a picture but didn't. I am feeling under the weather.
I am going to a wedding in a week and hope that I can re-create the look. My friend Mary Ann has a one that she is going to let me try. Apparently a good flat iron is fairly expensive so I want to make sure I can do it before I drop $100. We'll see how this goes.
VISITING FRIENDSAs I mentioned I am feeling under the weather. I am praying that I get better. I was planning on visiting my friends, Mary and Carl this weekend. Carl is very sick with cancer. Of course I can't see him if I am sick. All of us who love him need to protect his health as best we can.
Both Mary and Carl are dear friends and have been for almost 40 years. We met them when we lived in Denver so that was about 1971. They have been like a second set of parents to me. Mary and Carl have always been there for me when I have needed them especially when I was in my 20's. I remember calling them when I lived in Houston (about 1990) and they lived in Germany. My parents were going through their divorce and were leaning on Rex and I a lot. I needed to talk to an adult who wasn't needing me for support. That is just one of many times they were important to me.
We have spent more holidays together then I can remember. There has always been lots of laughter between our families. So many memories are wrapped up with them, more then I can write. So I am really praying that I am better but I will not be able to go unless I am 100%. Say a little prayer that I get better. Thanks in advance.
SO that is a bit of what has been going on for me.
KIDSThe kids have been in school and doing their usual stuff.
Sophia has been fighting homework, room cleaning and general responsibility. That is a whole other post and I'll spend some time with that soon. She has caved and has admitted just doing the work is WAY easier then all the complaining. Ahhh, progress.
Coulter is loving school. He doesn't have many details to tell me but he is writing, coloring, drawing pictures, talking about math, patterns and so on. I love his excitement for learning. In the morning he dashes in and we have to catch up with him just to say good bye. He comes out of school almost every day with a smile from ear to ear.
Kees is also loving school. He has the same teacher that Coulter had last year and the teacher that Sophia had the year he was born. He feels that he is DUE!!! They are learning about beavers, they're writing plays, talking about patterns, learning about sharing and problem solving and many more things. I love his teacher and how she makes learning an adventure. The kids set the pace and she fills in their questions with answers they can understand.
BOBI would be totally remiss if I did not mention that Bob got a promotion!!! He will continue his position as the CIO of the hospital but he will also take on the Chief of Staff job. This has been a goal of his but he didn't fathom that it could happen this fast. He's been at the hospital for 5 months now. I am very proud of him, as usual, and continue to be impressed at his high level of performance and the accomplishments and results that he consistently delivers. I still am convinced that we made the right decision when we talked more then 10 years ago when deciding, "Computer guy or hotel guy?" Computer guy was the right choice.
So there is the brief and a little commentary. The kids are out of school tomorrow for an in service day. I'm trying to figure out what to do with them since I don't feel very good. Maybe
Kids Club Fun and Fitness? We'll see. More when I have the energy.