Saturday, January 16, 2010

Funny Stuff

A couple nights ago Sophia and I were laying in bed talking about what she wanted to do when she grows up. She told me she wanted to be a veterinarian for horses. I told her that sounded really good and that if she was a good vet and lived in Kentucky she might make a LOT of money too. We laughed.

Then she said, "It will be so cute when the baby horses are born."

I said, "Well the horses may be cute but it isn't always so cute when they're born."

She asked why not. So I told her that sometimes the vet has to reach inside the momma horse to help that baby be born. Sophia said, "In her tummy?" And I informed her that the vet had to reach inside the horses vagina.

She then said, "When I have babies I just want them to cut a hole and pull the babies out like you did."

So the conversation shifted to people. I told her how most babies are born and that a woman's body makes hormones that relax the muscles and tendons so a babies head and body can pass.

Sophia said, "Oh man. I'm glad I can't have babies now. My body is only big enough fairy to come out or something."

We laughed for 10 minutes about that.

Coulter has been writing and it is so fabulous. He is fearless. Sohpia was always afraid to get things wrong. Not Coutler. He kid writes. He has to get it down on paper. This is what he wrote on Wednesday.

Today in blocks: I billt a pond. Nexst I made a tunl. I mayd booshes and mud. The duks faretid.

Translation - I built a pond. Next I made a tunnel. I made bushes and mud. The ducks farted.

Why is it always the farting with boys?

When my computer sits idly it rotates through the photos on my laptop. A picture of Ed, my step dad came up on the screen. It was a close up of his face. Kees said, "There's my grandpa.....and his beautiful face." It doesn't get much cuter then that.

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