Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Over Head at My House

I continually catch myself saying things that really shouldn't have to be said. Today I said, "Do NOT put your feet in your brothers mouth."

I was talking to Coulter about my impending trip. In the middle of our talk he said that he was frustrated that I kept giving him bananas in his lunch because he told me that he did NOT like bananas when he was in preschool (last year). I asked him if he was frustrated enough that I should stay in the Bahamas. He said, "Yeah, for like 2 years." I told him he should be careful what he wishes for. I then asked, "Who would make you dinner?" He said, "Daddy." Alright....then I said, "Who would pick you up after school?" He was not concerned at all and said, "I'll go to CAMP FIRE!" I said, "Well you just have it all figured out don't you." He said, "Yep" and then just laughed and laughed. I don't care what he says I think he'd miss me.

The kids were trying to figure out a) what month it was b) what the next month was and c) when school gets out. They know school gets out in June. They all put in their guesses at to what the next month was... Sophia - June, No. Coulter - June, No. Kees - June-anita...not in this country. Funny boy.

Kees was going to bed when I looked at his little face...covered in chocolate and dirt. I told him he'd have to get up in the morning and take a bath. He said, "Why?" I told him because his hands and face were filthy. I said that Coulter could take a bath with him and then he asked me why...I said, "Because his butt is filthy." Kees laughed and said, "Cohter, your butt is fithley."

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