Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What Kind of Mom?

There are many kinds of mom's. Some are the kind that play on the floor. You know doing puzzles, building with blocks, playing dinosaurs. I am not that kind of mom. Some moms work and are the superhero at pick up. They spend all day working and then come home and continue with work there. I am not that kind of mom. Some moms never wanted kids and don't pay much attention to them. I am not that kind of mom. Some moms work out, clean the house, have perfect dinners and lunches with friends. I am not that mom, except for the lunches with friends. And still others volunteer at school, bake cookies, work on school projects. Maybe I am a bit of that mom.

So what kind of mom did I think I would be? Before I had kids I was going to be WONDER MOM. Weren't we all? I was going to have my perfectly behaved kids occupied while I made wonderful, delicious yet healthy meals for my family. I would take care of myself by working out and taking care of the house and yard. Laundry would be done. (These were things I really had time for even before kids!?) I would wear make up every day and dress casually but fashionably. My car would be clean. I was going to take the kids to the park all the time and to play dates where the other moms and I could drink coffee and catch up on important things. Yes, I was going to be the mom of any kid's dreams.

Now what kind of mom am I? I am the kind of mom that wakes up at 7 and drags out of bed. I LOVE sleeping. I have to get up and wake up the 3 small people who only wake up at 7 on weekends. I get frustrated and sometimes yell. My "uniform" is often times sweats or capris but it is ALWAYS comfortable. Hair, pulled back and make up....don't make me laugh. It is on maybe once every other week. This mom makes meals for my family and I do try and make them healthy but sometimes fun and flavor win out. Just sometimes..... I am blessed, I have a housekeeper once every other week. I firmly believe that this is some of the best money that our family spends. Work outs....they have been few and far between lately but I am feeling it for the spring.

I don't play on the floor or play "pretend." It's just not my thing. The idea of sitting on the floor and pretending to be a dog or a horse makes me crazy. I do read to them, provide play time and space for them and I set up play dates. Their friends can be dogs and horses.

I am honest with my children and try and respect their feelings while staying in control. They are my children, NOT my friends. Let there be no confusion about that. I will keep them safe at all costs even if it is at the expense of them not liking me. Someday they will get it.

I am the mom that used to write fairy notes back and forth with my kids. Sophia no longer believes so we have a notebook that we write back and forth in a few times per week. It's a nice communication tool and a great record to have. The boys still get an occasional fairy note.

I am the mom that occasionally helps in the class room, provides snack, funds things for the class room, and goes on field trips. I like to help and now that they are doing some interesting things (things that can use a bit of my brain). It is infinitely more appealing to me.

I am the mom that yells but doesn't like it. I am constantly working on that one. I like hitting even less but occasionally I do it. It's generally a swat on the leg but it does get their attention. Just last night I got out my Taking Charge book and started studying. It helps me immensely. Today I am a new woman.

I am the mom that likes her kids in bed by 8 so I can have time with my husband. This is so important to me because we are in this together. We need this time to catch up and stay connected. If there isn't at least one other person that knows what you are experiencing and that you are able to connect with it makes this job infinitely more difficult.

I am certainly not the mom that I thought I'd be but I am doing the best I can. I love my children in a way that I couldn't have understood before they were in my life. I would do anything to protect them even if it is from themselves. My attire leaves something to be desired but comfort is key when you are trying to do 10 things at once. My hair....let's just go with it makes me crazy. I have great hair that looks extremely ordinary 95% of the time...again the ease and comfort factor.

I don't care nearly as much as I used to about what people think of me. I have about 5 great friends and they DO like me and that is far more important then the masses. Furthermore those people have my back and I have theirs.

My house is messy. It's not a disaster nor is it dirty. The kitchen floor is another matter. But in general it is messy in my book. I try and keep it neat but I have 3 incredibly talented mess makers working in a very efficient manner on their side of the board. No matter what tactics I take they have a mess that can out do my cleverness any day. I am breaking them down but it is hard work.

My kids are respectful of others, they're smart, very funny and learning some responsibility. They all fold and put away their own laundry. Right now it's a battle but I believe in the long run it's totally worth it. We're also working on making lunches together. We've done some cooking and cleaning together too. They will be independent, competent and strong.

I do make healthy (apparently yucky) dinners for my family. The boys are on a eating strike right now when it comes to dinner. It's never anything too weird or spicy. I think the fact that I make it, makes it yucky. Coulter asked me one day, "Why do we have to eat the yucky stuff you make?" I told him I'd be more than happy to eat the yucky stuff he makes when he starts cooking for the whole family. No response yet....I am waiting. I cook mostly from scratch unless I can verify that all the ingredients are food. What is the USDA feeding the masses these days? It's no wonder more then half our adults are HUGE! But that is for another day.

I pay the bills, I drive a mini van, exercise the dog, wash laundry, keep my kids (relatively) clean, pick up dog poop, drive a car pool, manage our family schedule, sign people up for classes, set up play dates, council friends, get counseled by friends, pick up shoes and coats endlessly, do dishes, plan vacations, exercise when I can, plan parties and obviously blog. And in between all of this is....love and laughter. Lots of love and laughter.

I am the kind of mom that laughs a lot, loves a lot, pays attention when it's important and is responsible for a happy, healthy family. I want to instill a a sense of responsibility, honesty, and integrity in my kids. My most important job is to teach my children these values. My clothes, hair and house mean nothing if we're not happy. So I have made sacrifices of the things that don't matter as much and tried very hard to let them know what does matter...them. I hope that if someone asks, "What's your mom like?" That they can say, "My mom is funny. She loves us very much and helped me turn into the success I am today." That would be the ultimate compliment and prize to me. SO it is said....so it shall be....I pray.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Well, I think you are a pretty amazing "mom of 3" plus the dog! I watch you in action and I smile. I hang around your family and I feel blessed. I listen to your stories and I laugh. And I remember my kids at those ages and I hope I did as well.