Monday, December 29, 2008

Birthday Boy

...................................................................................................................Today is Coulter's birthday and he is 5! He was born at 8:04 am in the middle of a serious snow storm. We got out the "snow storm" part a bit early this year but the 29th has stuck. So at 8:04 this morning there were hugs and kisses all around. Coulter was annoyed that I had picked him up.....HELLO!!!! Tom and Jerry is on.... His favorite. I don't care that I annoyed him. Today is the day when my lovely boy came into this world. The boy that makes me crazy in so many ways but gives me joy 10 times greater then any craziness.

He is affectionate almost to a fault. When he is sleeping he almost can't be alone. He wants to wrap around you.

He is funny. He just wants to make you laugh and will do almost anything to get it.

He is dramatic. If he is hurt, he is more hurt then anyone has ever been. Amazingly, if you find the thing that will make him happy, he is better immediately.

He is in it for now. While this can make me crazy it is also a wonderful perspective to have when approaching life. I am working on his anticipating consequences. For instance.... Last week he went out to play in the snow and go sledding WITH OUT GLOVES. And, it was after both Bob and I said, "Put on some gloves before you go out." 5 minutes later, his hands were colder and hurt more then any one's hands have EVER been cold or hurt. Drama rearing it's ugly head. But my point is, he was in it for now and right now my hands are fine and the sled is calling, "Coulter, Coulter."

He is friendly. Coulter makes friends easily and with everyone. If you are worried you won't know someone at a party, take Coulter. He looks at a room full of people as friends he doesn't know yet. Then he dives right in, in almost a methodical fashion working the room from who ever is closest to him to the farthest reaching corner. "Hi, I'm Coulter. What's your name? How old are you?" When it's time to go everyone is saying goodbye to him. What's not to like? He's funny, affectionate and friendly. A party hit!

And best of all he is ours. Like I said, he can make you crazy but the upside is so much greater that it's worth the ride. And occasionally it makes for great stories. When you don't account for consequences sometimes they are funny or dramatic or both. I love my son in every way and embrace all the parts that make him Coulter.

1 comment:

Becky Chasse said...

Yeah Coulter! 5 is a great age. I so love your stories about your family.

We just got back from the coast- had a very nice time but apparently Claire didn't because she didn't get a "gift" from the coast. So maybe our children can do a reality drama show on who gets slighted the most... or has the coldest feet... or can run the fastest (while pumping her arms super fast while her legs can't keep up.) ...

Tennis soon! Becky