Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas with 3 kids is interesting. Sophia is so excited that she doesn't know how to process it. She doesn't want to have a "party" tonight because she wants the day to be over so she can sleep so Santa will come and Christmas will be here sooner. Why the time continum changes whether we have a party or not is confusing to me. And it's not really a party, it's family and a couple neighbors for dinner. Trust me, I will be shooing them out so Santa can get his groove on. Santa is a bit behind. Snow schmow.

Coulter is excited but he's been excited for a while. He know's Christmas is coming and all about Santa. He's not sure as to the timing because he won't sit still long enough to get a grasp on what is going on. It's not happening RIGHT NOW so in Coulter's world it doesn't exist.

Kees is excited based on what everyone else is doing. If Sophia is excited, Kees is excited. If Sophia wants to build a gingerbread house, Kees wants to build a gingerbread house. And, because he isn't overly excited he's pretty easy to be around.

Tonight is going to be a zoo for sure. A couple years ago Sophia heard Santa on the roof and almost peed her pants. Not really but she was soooo excited she couldn't sleep. I know there will be excitement, only a little bit of sleeping and if all goes well, Santa will have enough time to get his groove on. Man, I hope he has time because Santa has contacted me and is feeling a bit stressed.

Merry Christmas to you and yours. I hope Santa fulfills all your wishes.

1 comment:

Becky Chasse said...

Hey Heather,

Hope you guys had a great Christmas! We have all 3 sets (lucky us) of Grandparents living within 30 miles of us... so we're on to party #3 tomorrow, then off to the coast. I'm thinking that when the kids are back in school, I could seriously use either an hour of tennis at Portland Tennis Center, multiple drinks, or both. Let me know what sounds good to you. Cheers and Happy 2009! Becky