Monday, December 15, 2008

More Things Over Heard at My House

Bob reported, "Sophia has Coulter on a leash and Kees is shooting them from the deck. Peeouw, peeouw."

Driving quietly down the street Coulter suddenly yells, "Turn it on!" I said, "Turn what on?" and he says, "Sunday" WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?????? I get a lot of these things / statements / questions. It hurts my brain.

Sophia and I were sitting in the nook having lunch. She was stareing at my hair, then she touched it and said, "Your hair is really stablized today."

Coulter was lying in bed with me this morning. I got out to go to the bathroom. When I got back he said, "I am laying in your spot." I said, "Move over." He said, "You're my spot." and then he wrapped himself around me and went back to sleep.

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