Monday, December 22, 2008

Over Indulged

I know I am not the only one that is guilty of over indulging my kids. But recently they are all WAY OVER INDULGED!!! And now it's time to pay the piper. Although Christmas is only 3 days away so I guess, in all reality, they will be indulged again. And then we are going to Great Wolf Lodge for Coutler's birthday. More indulgence. Then we're having friends over for New Year's Eve and we have fireworks and everything. So really I am going to over indulge them for another week and a half.

It all started with a week off for Thanksgiving. Followed immediately by a trip to Mexico. In Mexico we did exactly what the kids wanted, we went swimming and played on the beach, all day every day. We went on a zip line and a day cruise to a fabulous beach. When we got home they had to go to school for an entire week. Ohhhhh... And then the snow came. I got them sleds and Bob built them a luge course down the front steps and driveway. Oh, here's a good one. Last night they all slept in our bed. 5 people in one bed....forget it. They are taking over. Well tonight I put my foot down.

Tonight at dinner....OK well, kids dinner. I had been out shopping until 6 so it was pretty much take some thing out of the freezer and quick cook it. The kids were barking, "I want chicken nuggets." OK, put a few of those in the microwave. "I want some pot stickers!" Alright...put a few in boiling water. I put their food on the table and crap....where are they? They're up running around the house. "Hey, get back here and sit down." "I don't want that." WHAT? Oh man, I almost lost it. Sophia insists that she didn't want chicken. Coulter then says, "Yeah, I only wanted dumplings." And Kees is just being insolent, has no idea what he wants and is just being a butt to see how far he can push it.

We sit them down and explain that their behavior is totally unacceptable and that they need to straighten up. Mommy and daddy do not feel appreciated!!!!"Tonight you will all sleep in your own beds. Do NOT come into our room." They nod that they understand. "Tomorrow, no TV. Don't ask or you will loose TV for multiple days." We talk about setting a plan for tomorrow and that they need to occupy themselves for part of the day. They agree. Then Sophia and Coulter go make a list of things that they can do tomorrow. Some are things they can do on their own and others are things they can do with our help.

I know it's our fault for letting them get away with murder for so long. It always goes like this. They get away with it for so long and then they take total advantage of us. Then we have to pay the price to get them back in line. We'll see how this goes.

1 comment:

Laura Lou said...

Okay, so I love that you blog too. Loved the Christmas letter and seeing how you have all gotten along this past year. Re: post - Some say "over indulged" others might say "blessed"! I go with "blessed" ;o)
-LB -