Friday, June 5, 2009

End of the School Year

My kids are SOOOOO ready to be out of school. I think Coulter has been asking, "Is today my last day?" for about 3 weeks now. Of course if it weren't for Sophia he wouldn't know really. And Sophia is really feeling it because our favorite babysitter, Clara, is graduating on Sunday and she got out of school on Wednesday. A WHOLE week before the other kids. And not only is she out early she is done. Sophia says, "I wish I was done." I am really glad she's not. It's hard enough to see the babysitters graduating. We are all going to miss them so much.

So it's the first time that I have really felt the end of the school year coming. AND it doesn't help that we are leaving to go on a trip the day after school gets out. We are very excited about our trip but it is putting a bit of pressure on me. I have to get all of us ready. I think if I left it up to Bob we'd have a bathing suit and a credit card and that is it.

So we're getting ready for summer. It is going to be an extremely busy one with LOTS of travel. I didn't mean to get this busy but it just happened and it will be fun. I hope I will have time to blog because the trips we are going on will be fun to write about.

I hope you are excited about your summer and share your experiences too.

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